GPIL – The Statistics for 2022

Published: 11 January 2023 Author: Joshua Wirtz

As a new year is upon us, it is time to take our customary glance back at the past year of GPIL by sharing the statistics for 2022:

  • Posts published: 5
  • Visitors: 65,672 (up 6,045 from last year)
  • Visits: 958,467
  • Subscribers to our newsletter: 255
  • Average hits per post: 415

The top-ten posts in 2022:

  1. Germany works to strengthen the international response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria (9,518)
  2. Rules-based order v. international law? (3,352)
  3. German research vessel caught up in Greek-Turkish Aegean Sea dispute (1,221)
  4. Germany confirms non-recognition of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (1,042)
  5. Germany sides with India in Kashmir conflict (1,000)
  6. Germany comments on the ILC draft principles on the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts (932)
  7. Germany and Greece disagree over Germany war reparations stemming from the two World Wars (901)
  8. Legal consequences of Germany’s non-recognition of the Russian annexation of Crimea (879)
  9. Germany ranked second for visa-free travel (834)
  10. The intricacies of maritime boundary delimitation: Germany’s one-sided response to the Turkey-Libya MoU on delimitation of the maritime jurisdiction areas in the Mediterranean (794)

Many thanks to our contributors and readers!

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Category:  News

DOI: 10.17176/20230112-001454-0


  • Joshua Wirtz

    Joshua Wirtz is a law student at the University of Bonn. He is also a student research assistant at the Institute for Public International Law at the University of Bonn

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