Germany’s Reaction to the International Court of Justice’s Palestine Advisory Opinion: ‘The Opinion Confirms Our Positioning in Many Points’

Published 25 July 2024 Author: Stefan Talmon

On 19 July 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) delivered its advisory opinion in the case concerning Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. In response to questions posed by the UN General Assembly, the ICJ found, inter alia, that the State of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) is unlawful and that Israel is under an obligation to bring to an end its unlawful presence there as rapidly as possible. (more…)

Germany’s Reaction to the International Court of Justice’s Palestine Advisory Opinion: ‘The Opinion Confirms Our Positioning in Many Points’ Read More

Berlin Administrative Court Rejects Pre-emptive Interim Relief against German Weapons Exports to Israel

Published: 23 July 2024 Authors: Stefan Talmon and Antonia Mirbach

In response to the terrorist attack by Hamas on 7 October 2023, Israel embarked on an extensive aerial bombardment of Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip, followed by a large-scale ground invasion of the territory. Israel’s military operation led to a large number of deaths and injuries among the Palestinian civilian population, especially women and children, widespread destruction in Gaza, and the internal displacement of more than 80 per cent of the territory’s population, a situation that has been described as ‘an ongoing human tragedy of semi-apocalyptic proportions’. Germany has been widely perceived as one of the countries offering unconditional support to Israel, including by supplying weapons and other military equipment. In 2023, according to reports, Germany was the second-largest weapons exporter to Israel after the United States. This led Nicaragua on 1 March 2024 to institute proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Germany, alleging breaches of certain international obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. (more…)

Berlin Administrative Court Rejects Pre-emptive Interim Relief against German Weapons Exports to Israel Read More

The International Court of Justice Severely Limits Germany’s Ability to Transfer Arms to Israel

Published 02 May 2024 Author: Stefan Talmon

In exercising its right to self-defence in response to the barbaric terrorist attack by Hamas on 7 October 2023, Israel embarked on an extensive aerial bombardment of Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip followed by a large-scale ground invasion of the territory. In the words of Judge Al-Khasawneh, Israel’s military operation gave rise to ‘an ongoing human tragedy of semi-apocalyptic proportions’. The events in the Gaza Strip triggered South Africa in December 2023 to institute proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of breaches of the Genocide Convention, including the commission of genocidal acts against the Palestinians in Gaza. (more…)

The International Court of Justice Severely Limits Germany’s Ability to Transfer Arms to Israel Read More

The Modernised German Nationality Law and the Pitfalls of Allowing Unrestricted Multiple Nationality

Published: 16 April 2024  Author: Stefan Talmon

For a long time, the avoidance of multiple nationality, that is, the simultaneous possession of two or more nationalities by the same person, was one of the principles of German nationality law. This changed on 26 June 2024, when the Law to Modernise the Nationality Law entered into force. The modernisation law abandoned the principle of avoiding multiple nationality and allowed Germans to hold multiple nationalities. One of the declared aims of the law was to adapt the existing Nationality Law to ‘the requirements of an immigration society’. (more…)

The Modernised German Nationality Law and the Pitfalls of Allowing Unrestricted Multiple Nationality Read More

Germany Takes Ostrich Approach to Israel’s Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Gaza War

Published 7 April 2024 Author: Stefan Talmon

On 7 October 2023, a Jewish Sabbath day, Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups indiscriminately fired between 3,000–5,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israel while, at the same time, more than 1,000 Hamas militants breached Israel’s heavily fortified security fence surrounding the territory to launch unprecedented attacks in multiple locations in Israel. Hamas fighters indiscriminately killed and injured Israeli security forces and civilians, including some 260 people attending a music festival in southern Israel. Some 1,200 Israelis, including many women and children, were killed and more than 3,300 injured – the largest number of Jewish victims in a single day since the holocaust. In addition, Hamas abducted some 230 Israelis to the Gaza Strip where they were kept as hostages. These despicable actions of Hamas constituted egregious violations of international law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity. (more…)

Germany Takes Ostrich Approach to Israel’s Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Gaza War Read More

Violent Attack on Turkish Consulate-General in Hannover

Published: 2 April 2024  Author: Stefan Talmon

On the evening of 26 March 2024, Türkiye’s consulate-general in the city of Hannover was attacked by some twenty persons throwing stones at the building and hitting the windows with iron bars. The attack only lasted for about half a minute. Upon arrival of police the persons fled the scene on foot. No one was injured in the attack, but the building’s windows and main entrance door were damaged. Police arrested two suspects in the vicinity of the consulate- general, who were later released. The state security department of the police investigated the incident. Türkiye blamed sympathisers of the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK), which had been outlawed in Germany as a terrorist organisation since 1993, for the attack. The Turkish Consul General requested increased security measures from police authorities for both the consulate- general and the offices of Turkish civil society groups. The incident was also raised with the German ambassador to Ankara. (more…)

Violent Attack on Turkish Consulate-General in Hannover Read More

Israel Facilitates the Evacuation of Sixty-Eight Palestinian Orphans From the Gaza Strip to the West Bank at Germany’s Request

Published: 21 March 2024 Author: Stefan Talmon

In response to the barbaric terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas on 7 October 2023, Israel, in exercise of the right to self-defence, embarked on an extensive aerial bombardment of Hamas’ positions in the Gaza Strip followed by a large-scale ground invasion of the territory which led to high numbers of Palestinian civilian casualties. Approximately 70 per cent of those killed were said to be women and children. The military operations of the Israel Defence Force (IDF) in the northern Gaza Strip also led to a large-scale internal displacement of the Palestinian population with many seeking refuge in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip close to the border with Egypt. (more…)

Israel Facilitates the Evacuation of Sixty-Eight Palestinian Orphans From the Gaza Strip to the West Bank at Germany’s Request Read More

Germany Opposes Request for ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel’s Policies and Practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory But Also Rejects Israel’s Reaction

Published 26 February 2024  Author: Stefan Talmon

On 27 May 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) convened a special session on the grave human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. At the special session, the HRC decided by a recorded vote of twenty-four to nine (including Germany), with fourteen abstentions, to urgently establish an ongoing independent, international Commission of Inquiry ‘to investigate in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law’. (more…)

Germany Opposes Request for ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel’s Policies and Practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory But Also Rejects Israel’s Reaction Read More

Germany Supports Expansive Interpretation of the Right to Self-Defence Against Attacks by the Houthis on Commercial Shipping in the Red Sea

Published: 23 January 2024  Author: Stefan Talmon

On 19 November 2023, the Iranian-Backed Houthi movement, which controlled large parts of Yemen, began attacking commercial vessels transiting the Red Sea in order to show their support for the terrorist organisation Hamas in its fight against Israel. The Houthis declared they were targeting ships which were Israeli-owned, flagged or operated, or which were heading to Israeli ports. However, the attacks had a broader impact on international commercial shipping. Nearly 15 percent of global seaborne trade passes through the Red Sea, including 8 percent of global grain trade, 12 percent of seaborne-traded oil and 8 percent of the world’s liquefied natural gas trade. As a result of the attacks, international shipping companies decided to reroute their vessels around the Cape of Good Hope rather than sail them through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. This led to major disruptions of international shipping and, consequently, international supply lines. (more…)

Germany Supports Expansive Interpretation of the Right to Self-Defence Against Attacks by the Houthis on Commercial Shipping in the Red Sea Read More

GPIL – The Statistics for 2023

Published: 22 January 2024  Author: Joshua Wirtz

As the new year commences, we reflect on the past one. Continuing our tradition of sharing the past year’s statistics with our readers, we are pleased to do the same this year:

  • Posts published: 31
  • Visitors: 99,034 (up 33,362 from last year)
  • Visits: 2,430,460 (up 1,471,993 from last year)
  • Subscribers to our newsletter: 265
  • Average number of pageviews for all posts in 2023: 317
  • Average number of pageviews for new posts published in 2023: 642
  • Average number of pageviews for all posts since 2017: 950


GPIL – The Statistics for 2023 Read More