GPIL – The Statistics for 2023

Published: 22 January 2024  Author: Joshua Wirtz

As the new year commences, we reflect on the past one. Continuing our tradition of sharing the past year’s statistics with our readers, we are pleased to do the same this year:

  • Posts published: 31
  • Visitors: 99,034 (up 33,362 from last year)
  • Visits: 2,430,460 (up 1,471,993 from last year)
  • Subscribers to our newsletter: 265
  • Average number of pageviews for all posts in 2023: 317
  • Average number of pageviews for new posts published in 2023: 642
  • Average number of pageviews for all posts since 2017: 950

The top-ten posts in 2023:

  1. Germany works to strengthen the international response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria (8,952)
  2. Germany backs India’s cross-border strikes against terrorists in Pakistan administered Kashmir (5,169)
  3. The Thai King in Germany: The Status of Foreign Heads of State on Private Visits (5,113)
  4. Rules-based order v. international law? (3,459)
  5. Difficulties in assessing the illegality of the Turkish intervention in Syria (2,859)
  6. Germany as an almost permanent member of the Economic and Social Council (2,372)
  7. German Court confirms that there is no Palestinian State and no Palestinian nationality (1,652)
  8. Germany ranked second for visa-free travel (1,492)
  9. Germany’s Unquestioning Solidarity With Israel in the Face of the Hamas Terror Attack Undermines Its Credibility With Regard to International Law (1,179)
  10. Air Services Between Germany and the Russian Federation and the Power of Reciprocity (1,140)

Many thanks to our contributors and readers!

To always be up to date with our newest articles on German State practice in international law, please subscribe to our newsletter.

GPIL is always looking for new contributors. Please get in touch at if you are interested in writing a post for GPIL.


Category:  News

DOI: 10.17176/20240123-004408-0

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  • Joshua Wirtz

    Joshua Wirtz is a law student at the University of Bonn. He is also a student research assistant at the Institute for Public International Law at the University of Bonn

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